Thursday, September 10, 2009

Farewell my good friend, I love you, thank you for everything, and happy fishing.

At 75 years of age, my grandfather passed away today. By far the greatest man I've ever known. Raised up in hard times, in Oklahoma and North Texas, he only accomplished an 8th grade education, but managed to rise above that and successfully open and maintain good business at a grocery store in Olney, Texas. He worked many hours, and provided a good life for his wife childern, and grandchildren. It is his accomplishments in life, from such humble beginnings, that give me an optimistic view on my life and what I can accomplish if I just work a little harder each day. He also was a generous man, willing to help anyone who needed it. To that I know I can never stand up to, he has supported me and loved me, and provided me with a life that I could not love better. To have family like I do is a true blessing, and to have my family so blessed, by others and by God, is a blessing in itself. He won a couple more games of skip-bo, and had alot of good laughs before he passed, and he passed just like he wished and I can only thank God for that. We will miss him, but he and my Great Uncle Bruce and my Great Grandpa Ab, I know are this minute sitting in a boat in heaven with some stinkbait and minnows, catching crappie and catfish like they've never done before, and not worrying about a thing.

As the song goes and is so well put,

--"to this awful news, try not to hold on, the day will come, the sun will rise it will be fine."

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I like to blog, but its hard for me to write or type anything be it song, blog, paper, poem, anything at all when people keep coming in and looking over my shoulder.
Anyway, vacation was last week, quite relaxing, I managed to not talk to anyone on the phone but my grandpa once while we were gone and in fact turned off and didn't even have to charge my phone the entire trip. I wish I were allowed to go without a cell phone, they are a nuisance.
The food was amazing as usual in Santa Fe, and the fishing exceptional for me, 34 trout, quite nice, and for the entire fishing group 84, not bad at all. The water was chilly but not enough to use waders the whole time chorts and some old choes were enough for the most part, and a much needed cool, break from the 100 degree weather here.
Hannah learned how to fly fish, up until this point I have only been taught, but now had the chance to teach someone how to fly fish. It was quite refreshing, and tempting to explore the option of becoming a fly fishing guide and teacher sometime down the road.
I also managed to only use the internet for about 3 minutes to attempt to drop a class, and only turned on a TV in the hotel sunday long enough to flip through the channels. For the most part a technology free week...much needed.
Ava was just as happy in the mountains as she is at home, although the ride home was not what she wanted and she decided to let us know about it pretty much the whole 8 hours. However as soon as we got home she was smiling, and then promptly fell hard asleep.
Soon I hope to go back to the mountains, and fish and backpack, some trips alone, some with Hannah and Ava, some with a few friends, and for sure some with my Dad, who I have never really gotten the chance to do things alone with.
There is something about the mountains that makes me feel almost more at home than I do at my actual home. I don't know if it is the wildlife, the fishing, the views, or the activities and adventure of a new place. But no matter what it is, the cool, clean, crisp air, and the chilly, clear, trout laden waters will always be my second home, and always draw me back with more intrigue the next time than the last time.

Monday, July 13, 2009


You know its the fore end of the next week since the aft end of the last week which I missed for my afte end blog so here is a fore end blog of the aft end of last weeks aft end. Ever wonder about why toothpaste is white? or some other bright color? Well, I'll tell you. It's because of the toothpaste companies... no they don't care if you're teeth are white, they want the toothpaste to "out white" your teeth by a long shot so that your teeth still look yellow. Consequently, they have millions and billions of customers. You brush your teeth the toothpaste is white, your teeth look yellow, so what do you do you brush more, for longer periods of time, and more times a day to make them white, when in reality all the foods, cokes, coffees, teas and other substances you place in your mouth during the day are only going to turn your teeth yellow again. So in conclusion, I say that we ban the sale of white, and other brightly colored toothpastes, and instead use s*** brown so that your teeth look pearly white each time you this and the self confidence level of the nation will skyrocket. I guarantee it.

Friday, July 3, 2009


For those of you encouraging my doing of this blog, here it is, once a week, every week, at or towards the end of the week, don't complain, it could be more often(pronounced: off-en without the T). This is all you get this week, beggars can be choosers but what they receive is not guaranteed.